Useful Links

Government and Benefits
Find out about the types of Canadian Government Benefits that you may be entitled to in the event of a disability or during retirement.

RRSP Calculator
Calculate how much you will need to save for your retirement.

Debt Consolidation Calculator
Looking to consolidate your high interest debt into one easy to manage payment? This calculator can show you how much you might save by consolidating your debt at a lower interest rate.

Canadian Retirement Income Planner
Calculate your projected total annual retirement income, using your current registered and non-registered savings, as well as from government sources such as CPP (Canada Pension Plan) and OAS (Old Age Security benefits.

RRIF/LIF Illustrator
Find out how much income your registered savings plan will generate in retirement.

Household Cash Flow Statement
The first step in building a wise financial plan is determining your family’s income and expenses. This tool makes it easy.